It has a number of advanced features previously sold separately in Pro6 as an add-on, paid-for “modules” that offered additional features and capabilities beyond what your typical church needed. Video effects empower you to leverage your video library to create limitless new looks for your pre-produced content. It also includes the ability to set in and out points dynamically, effect color, brightness, and volume, and crop/scale videos dynamically. You can import and play videos instantly in ProPresenter. The video engine (the same as is at the heart of PVP3) is the perfect way to present your final edit. The ability to create high-quality videos is becoming increasingly easy, making the use of videos in productions more prevalent than ever. With a completely revamped video engine that is equally suitable for powering presentations in a room of 100 people or 100,000, the quality and professionalism of ProPresenter’s output are unprecedented. Whatever the story you want to tell, I have the tools to help you tell it in the most engaging way possible.

New seat licenses are $399, and five or more seats for the same license are discounted by 20%. Multiple seats can be purchased for the same unlock code, so for example you could purchase 5 seats for a single unlock code and then install the software and use it for presentations on five computers. Any computer used with an audience will need a "seat" license. ProPresenter 7 is sold on a per-seat basis.

You also aren't able to use licensed Bibles, however, there are no other limitations. You don't need to register anything if you just want to create and edit presentations just download and go! When unregistered, the software will occasionally put a watermark on the output screen, but presentations created in an unregistered version can be moved and used on a registered computer without limitations.

ProPresenter 7 is completely free to download and use for editing purposes. If you are looking for ProPresenter 7 pricing, click here.